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Develop by Cobra International Co.,LTD and Galmer,Inc

Original Bizzarrini P538

Original Bizzarrini P538

A rear mid-engined race car launched in late 1965 or early 1966 by Scuderia Bizzarrini of Livorno, Italy.



At the first stage, Mr. Kevin Gallahan (Project Leader) has assigned Mr.Stefan Schulze, German designer, to redesign the overall silhouette. We continued development from Mr. Schultz’s images by keeping the proportion, refine surface configuration and many details.

Clay Model

Clay Model

To achieve a result Mr. Gallahan provided us a scaled down monochoque, floor and rear diffuser, these parts were precisely created from the engineering data. We used these as a bone and build a body over them

CAD Design

CAD Design

The finished clay model had been scanned with Laser Scan process, the data of the surface configuration was used to shape a full scale model. This process was executed by Cobra Engineering team, the team was led by Mr. Marc Duboc.

Full scale model

Full scale model

Mr. Marc Duboc was also responsible for decoding the scanned data to CAD surface configuration before it was milled to a full scale model by CNC machine. This marked a beginning of production for all exterior parts.

Full scale model

Full scale model

Full scale model



Finally, Bizzarrini P538 protoype was showed at Motor Expo Thailand 2009.



Finally, Bizzarrini P538 protoype was showed at Motor Expo Thailand 2009.


Scuderia Bizzarrini P538

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