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Muthesius Kunsthochschule Interface Alumni Platform 

This cultural probe is a part of a project "Muthesius Acadamy of Art Interface Alumni Platform". The probe was used to gain new ideas and inspirations from Muthesius alumnus. The probe contains 4 tasks which provide a free space for alumni to express their experiences, feeling and story about Muthesius. Unexpected results, inspiration and surprises are what our group expected from the probe, they could help us to break throught the frame of normal research methods which we did initially.


Instruction Booklet

Task 1

Communication Tools

In this task participants must choose top 5 communication tools which are the most important for them with reasons. The joker tool is also provided, when participants have their own particular tool. expected result is the prefered form of communication from alumnus.

credit : Benjamin Mathe, MKH alumni

This task is simple take a photo follow themes which are on provided frames. expectation is to know various sources of inspiration which the platform could support.

Task 2

Inspiration Photo

credit : Benjamin Mathe, MKH alumni

Participant have to create a postcard to a reunion party of Muthesius together with invitaion text. Expectation is to see what is remind alumni to Muthesius.

Task 3

MKH Reunion Postcard

Particpant can tell their story about MHK follow 8 themes such as good-bad memory, first-last day in Muthesius or the best party. Participant can express their experience through drawing, photos, texts or using a story kit (comic elements) which is provided with the probe.

Task 4

MKH Story

Results and Analysis

Communication Tools

Top Tools which are choosen are

   1st - Pencil :  fast, spontaneous, personal

   2nd - Smartphone :  flexible, mobile, data accessible

   3rd - Joker Tools play, webcam, gift, beach and Pin-on-folie

   4th - Coffee :  Loose, Relax, unofficial

   5th - Human :  directly emotional and physical interactive

3 of the top 5 tools (pencil, coffee and human) are obviously a natural way of communication. we could use this idea for communication function like comment, reply or sharing. MKH Alumni Platform is a community of designer, so it is not surprise that pencil is the most chosen tool. It reflect to a feeling of sketching the process that ideas can be expessed direct fast and spontaneous. It would be great if the commnication functions in this platform can derive this feeling. 


Reunion Party Postcard

The main building of old campus of Muthesius is used on postcard. A building is used as a symbol rather than Muthesius's logo.


Inspiration Photo

From many photos, Pinterest is often used as a source. Also most of inspiration photo are token outdoor. The interesting point is many Alumni use photos from exhibitions or conferences as an inspiration. It would be great when our platform could support Alumni to share their experience from exhibitions or conferences.



Muthesius Story

The stories that were found in general is a confusing first day in Muthesius which is quite common. There were a lot of stories about working together with friends in student working area. That is also interesting when we could achive experiences of working in Muthesius.

In addition, stories in theme "What influenced your life" are often about the conferences, so same as result from inspiration photo it would be great if this platform can share an experience from conference lively.


Alumni Connection

Alumni connection is a part of a platform which I take a responsibility. It is a search function for a people which show connection between Alumnus in verious categories. The connections are showed by color lines which link from Alumni to Alumni or from search box to Alumni. 

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